Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birdy birdy tweet tweet.

So I finally bent to the pressure and signed myself up for Twitter.

Momentous?  No.  I'm not even entirely certain what I'm going to do with it.  I struggle to think of witty things to say in my Facebook status update*, and Twitter seems to be another form of the Facebook status update, without the rest of Facebook.

In that regard, I guess it's a win!

I've also been at it helping with the organising for the LetsMakeGames.org Trivia Night.  Although I won't participating directly (will probably help on the door and marking instead), I've not delved into the precious tomes of questions so that I may see how well I do answering the trivial challenges myself!  Do I expect much success?  Not really!, but it should be fun nonetheless.  If you haven't yet bought your tickets from participating outlets, why the hell not?  Hurry!  Before they're gone!  Forever!  Like your innocence!, you decrepit, blackened soul.

In other heat-blasted related news, it's frigging cold (if you weren't already aware).  The challenge this poses comes at the worst of times - when faced with the porcelain totem, an irritable pressure building up in the bladder, a man must make a difficult choice: cold seat, or cold hands?


*Except when douchebags make it so goddamn easy.  Then I don't even need to be witty!

sapper is a spy!

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