Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I got muh new shoes on.

And they're comfy.

Since I've taken the puppies' training a bit more consistently, Vicky insisted that I buy myself some proper walking shoes.  After spending all of 1.5 minutes in Foot Locker amongst a dozen or so playaz*, we beat a hasty retreat and crossed the mall to the significantly less busy Athlete's Foot.  After a quick measuring and assessment without a single mention of "bros" or "hoes" from the in-store music selection, I walked out with brand new sneakers!

I haven't owned a pair of sneakers since I was in primary school, and now I own a pair that I consider the most expensive item in my wardrobe.

They're white with blue gel stuff.


* playaz [plahy-uhz]  n. 
- See douchebags sense 2

lookin' back on when

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