Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thought|Post - Success

The theory is: success is a habit.
Habits comes from practice.
Practice comes from motivation.
Motivation comes from inspiration.
Inspiration comes from success.

Put the five points in a big circle with a one way arrow going around. The trick is to figure out where your strengths are in the circle, jump on from there and work your way around to where you want to be.


the only wrong way is to not do it


  1. Love the concept but need some more points before you turn it into a book. I would argue that inspiration doesn't need success (it's really more like risk) and habits don't turn into success on their own. Circles are always hard to jump on since they have no start or end to trace back, you're either part of it or you're not which isn't a sexy concept. We need dimensional business approaches that shrink down everything to a point and make it easy to tackle. Don't get me wrong though, love the concept!

  2. Hey Dan!

    I agree that inspiration doesn't always need success. Probably something more like success enables inspiration. It may not be a necessity, but I do think people who are successfully practicing and doing their thing everyday will have more moments of inspiration than hobby do-it-once-a-monthers - it's a frequency thing.

    As for the "circles are hard to jump on" idea, I think this is a better concept for people to get on board, since you can find your strength and jump on from there. A lot of business theories that revolve around circles are really just straight lines that have been bent to represent repetition, but it's counter-intuitive to sell something to someone that says "once you're at the end, go back to the beginning" because that implies a flawed solution. Circles make this the sexier sell for them.

    With my circle, I guess the thing I realised while writing it down was that any five of the points could be your end goal. "Success" is generally a goal for most people, but I don't think the definition-term of success is what everyone actually wants. Some people want to be "successful" because that means they've written a dozen award-winning books (Inspiration), some people want to be "successful" because that means they are working for themselves every day or staying in shape with exercise (Habits). I guess that means a lot of people may not even need to go all the way around to get what they really want!

    Thanks for the comment Dan - the great thing about getting half-baked ideas out like this is the feedback you get that makes you think and work on it some more. =)
